We’re Back!!!
It was an epic weekend of Motorsport in St Goueno and once again Team Ireland wow’ed the French fans with their epic on track display of skill, bravery, and of course their legendary Paddock frolicking. Even Tony, erm.. Dermot the Tiger made an appearance.

The hill at St Goueno is fast flowing and deceptive, the speeds are much higher, and if you make a mistake, it will cost you dearly. The Hill is flanked with Armco on one side, and high clay banking with trees the other. The top French cars are in a different league entirely, they are so low to the ground they rub the tarmac, their cornering speeds simply incredible, to say its like they are on rails is an understatement .
The welcome the Irish drivers and families receive from the people of St Goueno is spectacular, all day long there is a procession of fans who turn up to have their picture taken with the lads, if Simon McKinley was to charge for pictures he’d be a millionaire in no time. It’s the same everywhere you go in St Goueno, you get a warm welcome, and even if you only have a few words of French, because you made the effort. The People of St Goueno appreciate the gesture.
They were even more intrigued by the Irish language, when spoken to them, I had little or no French, and I did not meet a Marshal who understood Gaeilge, but it all worked out ok.

The Fanatical excitement of the fans when the PA announced “Le Crazy Irish Driver Simon McKinley” was incredible. They stood up and cheered Simon each time he took to the hill; and boy he did not disappoint them, in Simon’s hands the Escort danced through corners at fantastic speeds, and he came within inches of the Armco every time, I think Simon must have been out with a measuring tape.
In the Lant RT2 it was more of the same, except much much faster, his precise control over the car has to be seen to be believed, the mind simply boggles at his cornering speeds. And the French Simply adore him for his driving skills.

Rory Stephens had his gorgeous Radical out this weekend too, turbo and drive shaft problems were all overcome by the lads in the pits. On one run Rory was really flying, his smooth and precise run was interrupted by a red flag. But after posing with some Marshals on the track Rory returned to the start for another run. I kid you not, that’s the kind of welcome Team Ireland get here.
It is on surface’s like this that the Radical excels, and with Rory at the helm it just glides effortlessly around corners at speed.

Dermot (the Tiger) Nolan was in action in his Reynard, but early morning clutch problems during qualifying were quickly sorted, and after that Dermot just got quicker and quicker as he guided the Reynard round the tight corners with ease.

The two Fiat Cinquecento’s driven by Joe Courtney and Neil Bradbury were simply flying, the fans applauded the lads effort, I have never seen a Cinquecento driven so fast, they leaned at a very unsettling angle around the big hairpin bend, all I can say is well done lads, a brave drive indeed.

Phil Price of Connaught Competition Engines who Sponsors the Irish Hillclimb & Sprint Championship was also out in his Stunning Porsche Turbo, with over 500 Growling horses sitting behind him, Phil was going well during practice when he suffer an off road excursion, although Simon, Phil and the lads worked feverishly to repair the car. It refused to start. A real pity as the car has wonderful growl when driven in anger, I hope he brings it over here sometime soon.

Drive of the weekend has to go to Eanna Carroll of Loughrea, Eanna finished third in class and was a big hit with the Fans. His speed was nothing short of incredible, even the Marshals were left astonished at his speed, he left a black line on the road for about 100 meters at one of the fastest points of the hill. You have to understand that Eanna was up against some of the best drivers in Europe, and they gave him a standing ovation at prize giving, now that’s the kind of admiration you don’t often see. Clad in an Irish Flag, Eanna received rapturous applause at prize Giving, bringing an end to an epic weekend in his Turbo Honda Civic.

Well what a weekend!! And what hospitality the people of St Goueno extended to us, even the dogs walked down from the B&B with us, I kid you not.
Merci beaucoup St Goueno, we will return.

I would like to thank Dermot, Connor and Robert for an epic road trip I will remember for many years to come. Margaret Bell for stuffing me with burgers and Tea, to Simon, Peter, Deidre, and all of Team Ireland I say Thank You. It was Epic.
Some of the pictures are up, but it will take weeks to go through them all….